Thursday, November 3, 2011

How to be happy

Happiness is something that many people will struggle with in their lifetime. Unfortunately the they will never struggle with being too happy. Because quite simply, there is no such thing.

Happiness is something we can all have! And thank I thank God every day that I've been blessed with so much. All you have to do to be happy, is smile. Smile at the little things. But at the big things too. If you have problems with someone, you'd be surprised at how far a simple smile can go. Kill em with kindness so to say.

Happiness is a state of mind. It doesn't matter how much stuff you have or how attractive people think you or even how good your grades are. All it takes to be happy, is to look in the mirror, and tell yourself that you've done everything possible today to make yourself a better person. Do your homework, hang out with the people you love and smile at everyone.

Smile at yourself. You earned it. You deserve happiness and I pray that you will find it as soon as possible. Hopefully I'll catch you in the halls with a big smile on your face! One that matches mine :)

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