Sunday, November 20, 2011


If you didn't get the chance to look at the sky tonight, then I am terribly sorry. It is such a beautiful sky and I can look at it and think only one thing. What an amazing world we live in. Ever since I opened my eyes and actually started looking, I have seen the most amazing and fantastic things. I take nothing for granted anymore because I know that my life is finite and I could be taken away at any second. That doesn't scare me though. It motivates me. I have to do all the amazing things in my life before I die. So why not start now?

If you want something, go out and get it. Don't put things off until tomorrow cause tomorrow might not come. Take nothing for granted. Love the people around you. And enjoy your life :) if your not having fun, it's time for a change. God bless you all and thank you for everything.

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