Sunday, November 20, 2011


If you didn't get the chance to look at the sky tonight, then I am terribly sorry. It is such a beautiful sky and I can look at it and think only one thing. What an amazing world we live in. Ever since I opened my eyes and actually started looking, I have seen the most amazing and fantastic things. I take nothing for granted anymore because I know that my life is finite and I could be taken away at any second. That doesn't scare me though. It motivates me. I have to do all the amazing things in my life before I die. So why not start now?

If you want something, go out and get it. Don't put things off until tomorrow cause tomorrow might not come. Take nothing for granted. Love the people around you. And enjoy your life :) if your not having fun, it's time for a change. God bless you all and thank you for everything.

Monday, November 14, 2011

A quick thought

You know you have the best friends in the world when they tell you how they honestly feel about what you're doing and will support you no matter what. I am so blessed to have people like this in my life. If you have people like that in your life let them know you love them. If you don't have these kinds of friends go find some.

And to the ones I have... Thank you so much. I'll always love y'all and will always have your backs :)

Friday, November 11, 2011


Finally I'm letting myself go out and dance with people! And wow I was not disappointed! I feel so blessed to be able to have danced with the beautiful women I did tonight. Thank you all!

Okay but seriously. Partying takes a lot of work. Especially if your the kind of person who sips on a couple drinks. Is it really worth it? Do you really need to plan your whole night around where how and when your getting your alcohol? I will never judge a lifestyle but if you can look in the mirror and know something is wrong it's time to tone it down.

Don't have to patch together all the bleary details, live life to the fullest. Savor every second you are dancing with a gorgeous girl. Remember the face of every person you talk to. You live one life and I don't know about y'all but I want to remember everything I do and all the lovely people I get to be around.

Happy birthday Dom, Megan, and Taylor! The party ruled and I had a blast! Thanks to everyone I saw tonight! Goodnight friends.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

The party, the weekend, the life

So here I am on the couch after church after an amazing weekend and the first thing I notice is how quite it is. Coming back from breakaway we all know how strange it is to not be surrounded by friends.

Speaking of friends, thank god for each and everyone of you. Thank god for this weekend and all we learned which brings me to the point of this post tonight.

Ladies and Gentlemen it is my honor to tell you about the best party on this earth that is happening every hour of every day. I'm at the party and let me tell you that it is wonderful. Jesus wants all of us to just come and kick it and live the best life we possibly can. And if you ever want to know why I can't stop smiling and why I can't stop enjoying every little part of every day. I want you all to know that i would love to spend any amount of time with anyone to hang out and talk about. And to just enjoy life with all of you. You are all in my prayers and I can't express how great this weekend was and how blessed I'm feeling right now. Please call me or text me if you want to know more and if I don't have the answer I'll point you towards someone that can. Goodnight my friends. I love you all.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

How to be happy

Happiness is something that many people will struggle with in their lifetime. Unfortunately the they will never struggle with being too happy. Because quite simply, there is no such thing.

Happiness is something we can all have! And thank I thank God every day that I've been blessed with so much. All you have to do to be happy, is smile. Smile at the little things. But at the big things too. If you have problems with someone, you'd be surprised at how far a simple smile can go. Kill em with kindness so to say.

Happiness is a state of mind. It doesn't matter how much stuff you have or how attractive people think you or even how good your grades are. All it takes to be happy, is to look in the mirror, and tell yourself that you've done everything possible today to make yourself a better person. Do your homework, hang out with the people you love and smile at everyone.

Smile at yourself. You earned it. You deserve happiness and I pray that you will find it as soon as possible. Hopefully I'll catch you in the halls with a big smile on your face! One that matches mine :)

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Running Through The Rain

Okay here we go. I kind of have a fair amount to say tonight but it feels important so please stay with me.

I just hoped out of the shower and realized that there are very few things in life that make you feel alive. One of the things that really does though is running. I ran a little under four miles in a half hour. Thats not too bad! But that wasn't what was amazing tonight. I didn't run in the rain tonight, I ran through the rain. And the rain ran through me as well.

As i was running all I could think about was how people deal with situations that might not be the best. And how people let rain hit them and affect the decisions they make. You see, the rain is like our problems. it'll always hit us and always play a part in the decisions we make. Some people run in the rain. They let it weigh them down and make them feel heavy and depressed. The rain is a constant reminder. it is always hitting you.

Other people run through the rain. They see it and they embrace it. They face their problem head on. They let the problem wash over them, a minor obstacle to a goal they want to achieve. Instead of the problem weighing you down, it keeps you cool and also refreshes you. It makes you thankful for all the days it doesn't rain. And all the days it does as well.

Running in the rain is humbling. If you let yourself you will feel God in every rain drop. You will feel God in the pounding of your feet against the pavement. You will feel God in every breath you take. You will feel God all around you. But only if you let yourself.

Don't let a rainy day get you down. Let it water your soul and refresh your body and mind. If you have problems, don't let them weigh on your life. Run at your problems. But better yet, run through them. You all can do it. I believe in you and so does God.

And if you ever need help running through the rain, I'll always be there to run by your side. All you have to do is ask.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Best friends

Every body needs a best friend. Maybe even more than one. i've been blessed with many many great friends and i am beyond thankful for every single one of them. A true friend pushes you to where they know you need to go and aren't afraid to let you know it. A best friend is someone who you can tell absolutely anything to. Thank God for my best friends. I don't quite know how i feel about college coming up because it means i won't see these people very often.. That is a very scary thought ladies and gentlemen. Let your friends know how much you care about them. Buy them dinner, or just show a little bit of kindness to show you care. AND DONT TAKE THEM FOR GRANTED!! They will be with you through anything and everything. Laughter and tears and everything in between. I brag about my best friends. Please do the same for yours guys. Thanks for listening again.

Love to everyone who reads this.

Monday, October 31, 2011


Lately I've been feeling something deep down in my heart. It's a thirst for excitement and the unknown, it's my want to see sights that I've never seen before. I feel as if god is sending me to mission. But it's the worst time possible for that.

I have to keep up on my school work. It's my number one priority right now and I'm busting my hump just to get by. I'm not the smartest and I'm also not the hardest worker. But I'm trying to change both those things right now.

But I can't help but wonder, why can't it be more of an adventure? I want to find a way to make every ordinary day an extraordinary experience. I want to make normal amazing and boring riveting. I want to change the world. And the best way to do that is to change my outlook on it.

Pray about it with me and hopefully we will all be blessed with extraordinary days and then every day will feel like a bigger adventure than yesterday.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

For me and my friends

If you manage to stumble upon this blog or if I care about you enough to tell you about it, be warned. This blog is for me. This is for when I'm old and grey. This is so I can see how I grow and change. This is an expression of my feelings. I'm not the best writer nor will I ever be. I'm not pretensious that much I'm sure of.

I'm nervous to blog as well. I'm nervous that I'll be judged.

A lot of us probably feel this way. But at the end of the day it's okay! Now I could rhyme all the time but I'll keep that to a minimum as well.

Tonight I watched American beauty with Aj and fritz. It taught me something. It taught me that to truly enjoy life you have to appreciate the littler things. We are all do lucky to be alive in this beautiful world. God put us here for a reason. Take a minute out of your day tomorrow and marvel at the little things. Watch the leaf that flutters in the wind and be amazed that it's able to do such a simple thing.

Seize the day, by enjoying every second you've been blessed with.